01: The case for self-love by Anton Keith
“What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?” — Langston Hughes(1951)
From as young as five years old, we all develop dreams and visions about how we see ourselves when we are older. There are the usual ones: Firefighter, Astronaut, the President. For me, it was Michael Jordan, Barry Sanders, and a police officer (in that order). Luckily, I was able to fulfill my dreams, but for many people whose lives can appear in shambles — are their dreams deferred?
This project has been in my heart for so long, I’ve forgotten when I first conceived it. Maybe the stroke deleted that memory or some other traumatic or pleasurable memories took its place. I know that it’s a personal goal of mine to motivate as many people as I can to love themselves more, learn to defend themselves and their loved ones better, and reflect on past experiences. Why? So those past experiences can be adequately dealt with and processed better. I think everyone wants this. Yet, how we ascertain these things can either be exasperating or an overwhelming task.
So we take it one day at a time, together. I will share personal battles (past and present). I will have a podcast(haven’t decided on a name) with people smarter than you and I so that we can get as many resources on the subject as we can to grow and evolve. I chose self-love as the starting point because, as the name implies — we have to love ourselves before we can focus outwardly. We know that’s easier said than done. The external view can deceptively take the burden off facing the demons that we harbor. These demons can manifest themselves in negative relationships, self-image struggles, or poor past decisions that still torment us, etc. Whatever those things are that prevent you from loving yourself more than you love your job has to be relocated to its proper place before growing can begin. It’s like if you decided to start a garden, but the spot you choose is weed infested. We first have to learn how to clear the weeds away and give yourself a clean space to work with before any sowing or reaping can occur.
If you decide to take this journey with me, I want to let you know a couple of things. First, I’m no guru, and no matter how much knowledge I accumulate, I will never try to be. At most, I’m you. I’m a man looking for a starting point because I noticed that at some point, I wasn’t living up to my potential just because bad things have happened. I just decided that since I couldn’t find what I was looking for, I would create the space. I’m just the medium here. Second, when I discuss issues dealing with self-defense, religion, and drugs,etc.. you can try and box me in, but that box will be surrounding you, not me. I respect all opinions, not just my own. Feel free to express yourself here. The only way we grow is together, not separately.
In closing, I’d like to thank you. My goal is to add another truthful and positive resource that I hope finds you.
Soon I will have a website(www.antonkeith.com), YouTube, and Podcast to keep the medium centralized, but for now, social media is the best way to get with me. On FB I’m at www.facebook.com/anton.keith.75 and @703jitslover on the gram.
So I guess this makes me a blogger. Dope.
“The purpose of life is a life with a purpose. So I’d rather die for a cause than live a life that is worthless.” — Immortal Technique