The case for being done with breaks.
Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
It’s been over a year since I've stopped writing. I was one of the few people whose workloads actually increased during the pandemic. I had to serve more than I ever had to do in the past. Why? Because my community needed me. Nothing too complex, just simply a call to serve. As a result, some priorities had to take a back seat. Writing was one of them.
I actually got used to not writing. I spent the past year really just observing our county, our world, but mostly our men. I watched our men revolt over several issues ranging from police/citizen interactions, politics, and COVID-19 restrictions. Most of which men are still fighting about currently. Do you see an end to all of this revolt? I don’t. To be clear, I’m not saying that it’s not needed, but I really haven’t seen the people who are trying to provide answers to the questions being put front and center so that we can heal and work.
So, I decided that I wanted to be one of those people. One of the people who have the answers? Nope. I’m not nearly smart enough to be one of those folks. But what I will do is to start to search them out. I’m an investigator at heart, and I want answers. There are people who have these answers, we just need to find them and bring them to the light.
Does this mean that I will stop writing? No. Some people still absorb their information this way so I will continue to provide data this way, but in keeping up with society, I will expand to social media outlets and my own personal website. I think that anyone with ideas needs their own space because depending on tech platforms to always be there or to always side with your personal way of thinking is foolish.
In closing, I will keep writing, making my “case” for things that I believe a complete human needs. Together, I want to uncover everything that will help me and you become whole. Let’s figure out what that means for all of us. If this is your first time reading my work, please read some of the others and provide input. I’d greatly appreciate it.
Until next time.
We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery. Samuel Smiles.